Montag, 10. Dezember 2012
Montag, 29. Oktober 2012
Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012
Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012
D.I.Y. Blumenschuhe
Samstag, 7. Juli 2012
Jewelry Upcycled!
heute habe ich meine alte "schmucksammlung" durchgesehen und sortiert. dabei fielen mir mehrere ketten & armreife in die hände, die zwar im einzeln sehr schön sind, die ich aber sehr selten trage. so wurden die ketten "auseinander genommen"und die einzelteile zunächst einmal gründlichst gereinigt.
dabei waren hauptsächlich muschenpartikel, geschliffene steinchen und steinperlen dabei, so wie ein kleiner skarabäus aus ägypten.
...und dann wurden sie in neuer formation zusammengesetzt !
das ist schließlich dabei rausgekommen. ich weiß nicht ob ich es für immer bei der kombination belassen werde, denn sie kann sehr schnell sehr ....hja..."barock", sprich kitschig aussehen wenn man nicht aufpasst (lieber nur auf monochrome kombis und klare linien tragen.) aber fürs erste gefällt sie mir sehr. :)
das schöne an "upcycled jewelry" ist schließlich, dass man sich beliebig oft genau das zusammenstellen kann, was man schön findet & die stücke immer wieder zu neuen kombinationen zusammensetzten kann! :)
Montag, 18. Juni 2012
Freitag, 1. Juni 2012
Samstag, 26. Mai 2012
Adrienne Rich
First having read the book of myths,
and loaded the camera
and checked the edge of the knife-blade,
I put on
the body-armor of black rubber
the absurd flippers
the grave and awkward mask.
I am having to do this
not like Cousteau with his
assiduous team
aboard the sun-flooded schooner
but here alone.
There is a ladder.
The ladder is always there
hanging innocently
close to the side of the schooner.
We know what it is for,
we who have used it.
it is a piece of maritime floss
some sundry equipment.
I go down.
Rung after rung and still
the oxygen immerses me
the blue light
the clear atoms
of our human air.
I go down.
My flippers cripple me,
I crawl like an insect down the ladder
and there is no one
to tell me when the ocean
will begin.
First the air is blue and then
it is bluer and then green and then
black I am blacking out and yet
my mask is powerful
it pumps my blood with power
the sea is another story
the sea is not a question of power
I have to learn alone
to turn my body without force
in the deep element.
And now: it is easy to forget
what I came for
among so many who have always
lived here
swaying their crenellated fans
between the reefs
and besides
you breathe differently down here.
I came to explore the wreck.
The words are purposes.
The words are maps.
I came to see the damage that was done
and the treasures that prevail.
I stroke the beam of my lamp
slowly along the flank
of something more permanent
than fish or weed
the thing I came for:
the wreck and not the story of the wreck
the thing itself and not the myth
the drowned face always staring
toward the sun
the evidence of damage
worn by salt and sway into this threadbare beauty
the ribs of the disaster
curving their assertion
among the tentative haunters.
This is the place.
And I am here, the mermaid whose dark hair
streams black, the merman in his armored body.
We circle silently
about the wreck
we dive into the hold.
I am she: I am he
whose drowned face sleeps with open eyes
whose breasts still bear the stress
whose silver, copper, vermeil cargo lies
obscurely inside barrels
half-wedged and left to rot
we are the half-destroyed instruments
that once held to a course
the water-eaten log
the fouled compass
We are, I am, you are
by cowardice or courage
the one who find our way
back to this scene
carrying a knife, a camera
a book of myths
in which
our names do not appear.
and loaded the camera
and checked the edge of the knife-blade,
I put on
the body-armor of black rubber
the absurd flippers
the grave and awkward mask.
I am having to do this
not like Cousteau with his
assiduous team
aboard the sun-flooded schooner
but here alone.
There is a ladder.
The ladder is always there
hanging innocently
close to the side of the schooner.
We know what it is for,
we who have used it.
it is a piece of maritime floss
some sundry equipment.
I go down.
Rung after rung and still
the oxygen immerses me
the blue light
the clear atoms
of our human air.
I go down.
My flippers cripple me,
I crawl like an insect down the ladder
and there is no one
to tell me when the ocean
will begin.
First the air is blue and then
it is bluer and then green and then
black I am blacking out and yet
my mask is powerful
it pumps my blood with power
the sea is another story
the sea is not a question of power
I have to learn alone
to turn my body without force
in the deep element.
And now: it is easy to forget
what I came for
among so many who have always
lived here
swaying their crenellated fans
between the reefs
and besides
you breathe differently down here.
I came to explore the wreck.
The words are purposes.
The words are maps.
I came to see the damage that was done
and the treasures that prevail.
I stroke the beam of my lamp
slowly along the flank
of something more permanent
than fish or weed
the thing I came for:
the wreck and not the story of the wreck
the thing itself and not the myth
the drowned face always staring
toward the sun
the evidence of damage
worn by salt and sway into this threadbare beauty
the ribs of the disaster
curving their assertion
among the tentative haunters.
This is the place.
And I am here, the mermaid whose dark hair
streams black, the merman in his armored body.
We circle silently
about the wreck
we dive into the hold.
I am she: I am he
whose drowned face sleeps with open eyes
whose breasts still bear the stress
whose silver, copper, vermeil cargo lies
obscurely inside barrels
half-wedged and left to rot
we are the half-destroyed instruments
that once held to a course
the water-eaten log
the fouled compass
We are, I am, you are
by cowardice or courage
the one who find our way
back to this scene
carrying a knife, a camera
a book of myths
in which
our names do not appear.
"Diving into the Wreck"
Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971–1972 (1973)
Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971–1972 (1973)
Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012
Montag, 21. Mai 2012
Freitag, 18. Mai 2012
Donnerstag, 22. März 2012
Sonntag, 11. März 2012
Freitag, 9. März 2012
Alphaville (1965)
Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution - 1965
by Jean-Luc Godard
Your voice, your eyes, your hands, your lips...
Our silences, our words...
Light that goes, light that returns.
A single smile between us.
In quest of knowledge, I watched night create day while we seemed unchanged.
O beloved all, beloved of one alone, your mouth silently promised to be happy.
Away, away says hate; Closer, closer says love.
A caress leads us from our infancy.
Increasingly I see the human form as a lovers' dialogue.
The heart has but one mouth.
Everything by chance.
All words without thought.
Sentiments adrift.
Men roam the city.
A glance, a word.
Because I love you, everything moves.
We must advance to live.
Aim straight ahead towards those you love.
I went toward you, endlessly toward the light.
If you smile, it enfolds me all the better.
The rays of your arms pierce the mist.
Montag, 5. März 2012
Freitag, 24. Februar 2012
Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012
Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012
E.E. Cummings
"(...) ein Gedicht das ich mag. Ich wollte es auf eine große Leinwand schreiben
und über meinem Bett hängen (...) und dann fragte ich mich ob es nicht belächelt
werden könnte. Nicht dass es mir etwas ausmachen würde. Aber ist es nicht so,
dass die meisten denken, dass man ein Liebesgedicht erst dann verstehen kann,
wenn man gerade verliebt ist oder liebt? (...) it´s like either you own it or
you are just being desperate...(...) Die Sache ist die: mir kommen immer die Tränen
wenn ich es lese. Und laut zu Ende lesen könnte ich es nicht. Auch wenn ich alleine bin."
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