Montag, 1. August 2011

3 GOOD Things

it´s SMOOTHIE-time!

1 Nektarine
1 Apfel
1 kl. Banane
3 Pflaumen
+ 200 ml Orangensaft
= reicht für zwei Portionen Super-Smoothie;)

"told you about this one. written and composed by Justin Vernon (aka Bon Iver ) this song was 
later covered by various artists. and I guess Birdy is just one of them. 
nevertheless both interpretations are so different it almost seems there are two different songs." 
(in writing to one of my sisters. the other one was the one who played me the original song for the first time.
M.! :) heads up! *)

...or THat?

nach mehr als einem jahr endlich die zeit gefunden & gelesen
by Alan Bennett

(mehr über das buch findet man *hier*)

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