Samstag, 15. Juni 2013

How to Make Time!

Making some time is always tricky, they say.
But is it really?...

Here is a really simple instruction I'd like to share with you 
on how to make some time for anything and anyone you'd like! 
and it will take you only 15 minutes! :) 

so here we go: 
first of all: you'll need a watch. 
because a watch tells you if you have time for something or not.

so step one: draw a watch!

and do draw a pretty one, because from now on this will be your favourite watch.

there you go. 

step two: cut it out. otherwise you won´t be able to wear it around your wrist. 
(at least not without alarming other people.) 

lovely! :) 

But wait!! There's something missing, isn't it?

....I almost forgot to ad the most important thing. :)
Copyright © K.U.  

And that is how you make time! ;)
"Do I have some time for this-and-this? Yes I do just about NOW!" 
have a great day.:)

the idea, text and pictures are the property of ©KoranaUršič 
pleas do credit if you share.

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